
Trap primer troubleshooting
Trap primer troubleshooting

  • The inverter may not be set to output the correct RPM or direction.
  • Insufficient Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) at the motor or rotation direction at the motor:.
  • Bleed chemical into a safe area or container.

    trap primer troubleshooting

    Caution! Wear proper safety equipment to protect against being splashed with chemical.

  • If this is the case, you need to prime/bleed air from the pump by opening the pump discharge to the atmosphere while operating, until fluid is observed.
  • Check the supply tank, it may be empty.
  • Check for blocked valves or blockages in lines.
  • Starved suction or cavitation on suction:.
  • This would prevent the ball and/or the seat from sealing properly.

    trap primer troubleshooting

    Perhaps the valves are not sealing properly and require cleaning. The flow coming from the pump is reduced. If the answer is YES, check for blocked discharge, relieving through the internal PRV or external PSV.If the answer is NO, check for loss of prime, faulty check valves, starving suction, internal mechanical damage.Is the pressure gauge moving (indicating pressure with each stroke)?

    trap primer troubleshooting

    No fluid is detected at the pump package discharge point. No chemical is being drawn down from the calibration column.

    Trap primer troubleshooting